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HomeAnimalsFascinating Pets of Powerful World Leaders

Fascinating Pets of Powerful World Leaders

While politicians and royalty of the world digress on many issues but all of them has consensus on benefit of owning a pet. Many of the world powerful leaders, hat little free time they have, spend it with their beloved pet animals. These pets do share the limelight and the fame of their owners as well. Some of the fascinating pets of the world powerful leaders are as follows.

Dogs (Welsh Corgis); Queen Elizabeth II:-

Queen Elizabeth is in love with Corgis breed of dog and has owned nearly 30 of these dogs in her 62 year reign as queen of England. In addition to Corgis, Queen also has a mixed breed of Corgis and Dachshunds called ‘Dorgis”. Queen currently owns tow Corgis dogs named Willow and Holly and two Dorgis dogs named as Candy and Vulcan. These pets are living in Buckingham Palace alongside queen and have all the luxury a pet can have.

Queen Elizabeth II

Larry; David Cameron:-

Former Prime Minster of UK the world renowned leader, David Cameron owns a pet cat named as Larry. The hazing thing about Larry was that he was given the title of Chief Mouser in the Cabinet Office of UK. The positioned was named as official British post. His job, you guessed it right was to catch the rats and mice.

David Cameron

Koni; Vladimir Putin:-

While the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin can have a deep persona of a powerful leader, he also plays a humble role for his pet Labrador dog named Koni. Koni was given to Putin as a gift by General of his Russian army back in 2000. Since that time, Putin and Koni have become so inseparable that, Koni often wanders into Putin’s official meeting and press conferences as well. She is 16 and is currently in good health.

Vladimir Putin

Bo; Barrack Obama:-

The Former President of USA, Barrack Obama and his family had a pet Portuguese Water dog named Bo which they adopted back in 2009. The dog was adopted because of Obama’s daughter having pet allergies and this particular breed being Hypoallergenic. The Obama family initially deiced to adopt a dog from an animal shelter but after not finding any suitable candidate, they adopted a pure bred dog. In 2013, Obama family adopted, Bo’s little sister Sunny as well in 2013 and these two pets made splashes in press conference.

Barrack Obama

Horses; King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia:-

Saudi Kings have centuries long tradition of owning hoses and the current King of Saudi Arabia; King Abdullah continued in the footsteps of his forefathers and owns a stunning collection of 1000 horses. These horses are all of good breed and are kept at the Janadira Farm located in Riyadh, where king makes weekly visits to enjoy walking and looking his horses. This farm has pure bred horses whose bloodlines go back to Nejd Dynasty. The farm also has three champion horses of the world as well.

King Abdullah


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