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HomeAnimalsPet Health Problems You Can Prevent

Pet Health Problems You Can Prevent

A little knowledge about common pet health problems and their prevention tips can not only be beneficial for your pet’s health but can also save you lot of money in the long run. Few of the Pet Health Problems that you can prevent are as follows.

Dental Disease 

Just like humans, food particles can get stuck in teeth and gums of pets too. Progressive build up of food particles and bacteria can lead to conditions like gingivitis and various other infections. Normally cats and dogs are affected by this.

Common symptoms for dental problem in your pet is that they will be turning down their kisses, frequent drooling, refusal to eat anything, pawing their mouths or traces of blood stains on chew toys. All of this can be simply prevented by brushing and cleaning your pet’s teeth. You only need a washcloth, pet toothbrush and pet toothpaste to get the job done.

Dental Disease

Urinary-Tract Obstruction 

Male pet cats are normally affected by Urinary Tract Obstruction but female cats and dogs can also suffer from it. This disease normally results in blockage of urethra preventing your pet to relive himself.

Possible symptoms of this problem might include your cat going in and out of litter box, crying while sitting in the box, urinating out of the box or have blood in their urine. You might think it is constipation but it is actually urinary tact obstruction. Common prevention tips are to have a stress free environment for your pet along with a diet with high water level consumption that causes more urination. Fr multiple pet cat owners, they should get individual litter box for every cat.

Urinary-Tract Obstruction


In the case of this pet problem, Uterus of female pets gets infected. Normally adult cats and seldom dogs are affected by this condition. Some of the common symptoms for this condition include vaginal discharge and insatiable thirst exhibited by your pet. In aftermath of progression of infection, your pet might have loss of appetite and also vomit often.

Better prevention is that you should make an appointment with a veterinarian and surgically remove the ovaries and uterus of your pet before hand and as the uterus and ovaries are removed they will not develop this painful infection.


Gastrointestinal Foreign Body 

In this condition your pet might ingest something inedible like a toy that can get lodged inside some part of stomach or intestine. This will cause problem in digestion. Normally cats and dogs are both affected by it. Common symptoms for this condition includes that your pet might not hold his food and frequently vomits. Other than that it can also refuse to eat and become lethargic.

Best prevention against this condition is that you must keep a keen eye on the things around the house that your pet might eat while they play. Cats are attracted towards objects like hairs and threads while dogs can accidentally swallow pit fruit, corncobs or bones.

Gastrointestinal Foreign Body

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