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Internet is going LMAO over this bear’s reaction on the wedding of a couple at Zoo (plus some other animals who ruined the perfect wedding photos)


A couple decided to get married at a Zoo and they were surprised to found out their wedding pictures. The pictures were perfectly Photobombed by a nearby Grizzly bear in hilarious ways and internet is laughing it’s a** off.

He images were taken by Chris and Kristy photography and ever since these pictures have been uploaded, they have gone viral at an amazing rate. The bear’s expressions are insanely hilarious and it looks thoroughly unimpressed by the whole thing unfolding in front of him (wishing he could just say STOP!).

According to groom, the idea for taking pictures with animals was photographer’s idea and we were quite lucky to have this chance. Most of the animals were gone as it was their meal time before we were permitted to roam around before the wedding ceremony. Only this Russian Grizzly Bear was kind enough to be at our wedding and bless us (wink).

We are certain that with these pictures a new trend of getting married at zoo will be starting up. Groom was understanding of the fact that people might ask about the welfare of the animals by zoo officials. Groom was satisfied about the well being of animals at the venue by zoo officials.

According to groom, most of the zoos around the world are like prisons for animals. However our wedding venue; The Minnesota Zoo was nothing like that. It is a state owned zoo and is not for sake of profits. The State actually has methods for rehabilitation of wildlife at this zoo along with measures for preserving certain specs from extinction.”

Scroll down to look for these hilarious wedding pictures being Photobombed by this multi expressional bear. Also we have gathered a bunch of other pictures in which animals Photobombed the wedding or engagement pictures held at either zoos or water worlds.

The Couple was getting married at a Zoo

serious bear


This bear had his own expression for this whole ceremony

cute bear


He was less than impressed by the whole thing unraveling before him



Some other animals who ruined wedding or engagements.

Say no girlfriend



Hey man what’s going on?



For the Love of god



Watching in silence



Cats are real A**holes



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