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HomeAnimalsA Bulldog Was Rescued From Being Trapped In A Basement, Then Gives...

A Bulldog Was Rescued From Being Trapped In A Basement, Then Gives the Best Reaction To her Rescuers

Neighbors were disturbed for weeks by the sounds of a dog barking coming from an abandoned house located in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Two good people of the neighborhood decided to take a look at the cause of this distress. The found out the owner of the property who allowed them to have access to his house but he presented them with an insane condition; to fill out the water dish he was keeping for a dog he was keeping trapped in his basement.

When they entered the basement, they were heartbroken to see the scene ahead of them.

Rescue Dog

A 2 years old bulldog named Grace was lying crouched on the ground and was clearly starving for some love and affection. As her rescuers came close to her, she leaped up to cuddle with them and kissed them all over.

One of the rescuers wrote on Facebook, “Her feet were caked with feces and her voice had become hoarse from all that barking. She was not only starving for affection but for food as well but she was so sweet. Please, can any rescue shelter take this dog?”

rescuers wrote on Facebook

Fortunately for Grace, the QCBR (Queen City Bull Dog Rescue) came upon this post and they immediately came to the house to free the suffering bulldog. Grace was being used for breeding purposes and seemed to be no longer useful for her cruel owner. He only allowed to let the rescuers take her if they paid him 200 dollars for the dog and they paid the selfish man and freed the poor bulldog.

Seeing her rescuers, Grace started to lick them all over even if this was their first time.

Founder of QCBR, Chelsea Muenzer said, “She was craving for human touch that’s all. The moment we approached her, she trusted us almost immediately and knew she was safe.”

Buldog in Safety

The grateful look on Grace’s face says it all.

Now after years of neglect, Grace is waiting for her spaying surgery but she is definitely doing much better than before.

Her foster family had fallen in love with her from the very first day and it seems that they are going to keep her as their new pet.

Buldog with her Foster Family

Chelsea Muenzer said, “She is now living a cozy well-deserved life. She is now a fan of warm cozy beds, bubble baths, and warm cookies.”

Buldog Takeing Rest

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