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HomeAnimalsTurtles are coming back to Indian beach after 20 years, Reason? World's...

Turtles are coming back to Indian beach after 20 years, Reason? World’s biggest beach cleanup

Sea turtles have been roaming the oceans for millions of years but they are facing extinction as humans are encroaching onto their natural habitats. When not being caught for eating, their habitats are being polluted often resulting in them getting entangled in nets or hooks left behind by fisheries’.

But there is still hope, as a recent study indicated that turtles are making it back from brink of extinction as their 299 nesting spots have shown significant activity. Experts have credited Conservation efforts for this great change.

One of the best examples of this conservation change is the Bach Cleanup of the Versova Beach in the city of Mumbai, India. The beach once polluted with putrid heaps of plastics and trash has now been cleaned and turned into a beautiful coastline. His place now offers a nesting place for the turtles along with safety.

The effort was led by an Indian lawyer named Afroz Shah who with the help of dedicated lawyers led this biggest beach cleanup in the world’s history. The titled “World’s Largest Beach Cleanup Project” with mere help from volunteers was completed that resulted in removal of 5 million kilograms of plastic in 85 weeks.

Afroz Shah not content with this alone also saw through personally the nesting of the first turtles and safety of the first hatchlings as they made their way into the sea from Versova Beach since past 20 years.

Talking to Guardian, Afroz said, “As I saw them walking towards ocean I had tears in my eyes”.

One of the volunteers told media that, “every year monsoon allows the ocean to puke up to millions of kilograms of trash on o the beach. With regular cleanup the conditions are changing rapidly. We have currently 30,000 school children on roster system whereas 500 volunteers work on weekends.”

Scroll down to have a look at the stunning pictures of the “World’s first biggest beach cleanup”.

Sea turtles have been roaming the oceans for millions of years but they are facing extinction as humans are encroaching onto their natural habitats.

Sea turtles


When not being caught for eating



Their habitats are being polluted often resulting in them getting entangled in nets or hooks left behind by fisheries



Climate change, pollution, and development along beaches have destroyed their habitats

Climate change


Recently 300 turtles were found dead off the coast of Mexico, likely to have drowned in stray fishing nets

dead turtles


But there is still hope as their 299 nosing spots have shown significant activity

nosing spots


Citizen initiatives like this one in Mumbai, India, are cleaning up beaches to make them suitable for nesting again



An Indian lawyer named Afroz Shah who with the help of dedicated lawyers led this biggest beach cleanup in the world’s history

Afroz Shah


“World’s Largest Beach Cleanup Project” with mere help from volunteers was completed that rustled in removal of 5 million kilograms of plastic in 85 weeks

Beach Cleanup


The beach once polluted with putrid heaps of plastics and trash

plastics and trash trash


Has now been cleaned and turned into a beautiful coastline

sea beautifuk turtles


Talking to Guardian, Afroz said, “As I saw them walking towards ocean I had tears in my eyes”.



This is how the beach currently looks. “We have close to 30,000 school kids on a roster system and about 500 volunteers cleaning up regularly on weekends,” a volunteer told media

indian beach


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