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HomeAnimalsPesquet’s Parrot also called Dracula Parrot is a real thing

Pesquet’s Parrot also called Dracula Parrot is a real thing

Pesquet’s Parrot also called Dracula Parrot is a real thing

Whenever an ordinary person imagine as parrot, in their mind comes a picture of a bird in green, blue or red feathers. But what you might not know is that the world of the parrots is much more diverse than this. All in all, there are nearly 393 different species of the parrots which differ from each other greatly. There are sulfur crested parrots and then there are the bronze winged parrots. But we are sure that you never have had heard about a parrot species called the Pesquet’s Parrot which is also known by its other name the Dracula parrot.

This is the majestic looking Pesquet’s Parrot which is also called as Dracula Parrot.

Pesquet’s Parrot also called Dracula Parrot is a real thing


These Dracula Parrots are recognizable by their chests of grey and black colors as well as their bright red feathers and pitch black colored beaks.

Pesquet’s Parrot also called Dracula Parrot is a real thing

Charles Davies

These Dracula parrots have short tails which are only 20 inches in length with the average weight being 600 to 800 grams.

Pesquet’s Parrot also called Dracula Parrot is a real thing

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Both the males and females are quite similar in appearance. The major difference in them is that the males of this species have the red patches behind their ears.

Pesquet’s Parrot also called Dracula Parrot is a real thing

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They are not like the ordinary parrots that climb from one branch to another one but instead they move around by jumping.

These birds can only be located in the New Guinea’s mountains.

Pesquet’s Parrot also called Dracula Parrot is a real thing

Greg Hume

Another amazing fact about the Dracula parrot is that it is among the only 3 parrot species that are do not have feathers on their face.

Pesquet’s Parrot also called Dracula Parrot is a real thing

Rüdiger Stehn

They are the native of New Guinea.

Pesquet’s Parrot also called Dracula Parrot is a real thing


Unfortunately these different looking majestic parrots have now become a major target of the poachers along with the loss of their habitats. These reasons have led to a sharp decline in their population.

The difference between the females and males of this species is the red dots present behind the ears.

Pesquet’s Parrot also called Dracula Parrot is a real thing


The birds are mostly hunted because of their feathers which are normally used for making the ceremonial dresses and used for meat as well.

Pesquet’s Parrot also called Dracula Parrot is a real thing


In the recent years, Dracula Parrots have been placed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as Vulnerable.

Dracula parrot pet or vulturine parrot

Pesquet’s Parrot also called Dracula Parrot is a real thing

Linda De Volder

Pesquet’s Parrot or Dracula parrot.

Yes pesquet’s Parrot also called as Dracula parrot is a real thing. This parrot is known for its strange appearance but it has all the qualities of an excellent pet bird.

The Pesquet’s Parrot (Psittrichas fulgidus) is one of several species in the genus Psittrichas, which belongs to the subfamily Psittrichadinae. He has a very limited range in the island nation of Papua New Guinea.


Some individuals have bright green plumage with streaks, while others are red orange with streaks. The breast is brownish-black and contrasting pale yellow or creamy. There are black markings on the face that resemble eyeliner, giving it the common name “cosmet parrot”. This is a medium-sized parrot between 25 and 28 cm long.

Yes they can talk

This species has an incredible ability, they are good talkers . They can learn to say human words or to imitate sounds that are presented to them.

They are very playful birds, often play with toys all day. They also love chewing things so you have to give them appropriate toys.

You should care for this bird as much as possible to keep it healthy and happy because if he feels well he will be more cheerful around his owner. Even though Pesquet’s Parrots are very social, they need regular time alone in their cages away from people and other pets too. Your avian veterinarian should check your pet on a regular basis and perform necessary tests.

Not lonely Birds

Parrots like Pesquet’s Parrot need the company of another parrot, if they live alone can become very noisy and sad. You should always be aware that this bird cannot stay locked in his cage for 24 hours a day no matter how tame he is because he needs to play outside .

Can you have them as pets ?

Yes, They are available as pets since some years ago but some avian veterinarians still disagree about their domestication. This is why you have to investigate all the pros and cons before buying your parrot:

Will my family welcome him? Will we manage to own him properly? Is it better to buy an already trained pet than teach it ourself? Do we really want to put so much effort in a parrot? Is it possible to tame and training him without any professional help?

To the point: never buy a parrot if you feel that you can not give him all the attention he needs. Your bird could become stressed and even depressed which will affect his life. There is still no evidence about their lifespan but we believe that they are pretty long-living birds, some species have been recorded up to 58 years old.

Pesquet’s Parrots are very expensive pets, this is why you should always check breeders before choosing your new friend because some of them sell wild caught animals which are confiscated from illegal traffic. This is why buying captive bred Pesquet’s Parrots will be better for the environment.

Cage Requirements

They need a big cage, not less than 32 inches long and 21-28 inches wide. The bar spacing should be no more than 3/8 inch apart because their powerful beaks can exploit any hole larger than that.

They also require a lot of toys to play with but never give your parrot wood or loose strings to play with because they will definitely try to eat them and the consequences could be fatal.

They enjoy being outside so you have to give them time out of their cages at least 3 hours a day if it is not too cold where you live. If you don’t have enough time to care for him properly or if he gets stressed, don’t get one! Pesquet’s Parrots come from a very humid environment, therefore you have to mist them once a day with warm water and change the papers of their cage every day because they destroy everything around.

To summarize:

Pesquet’s Parrots or Dracula Parrot are beautiful pets but they require proper care and attention every single day if you want them to live long and joyfully. Every time I see pictures of these birds I understand why the name “Dracula Birds” was given to them because their beaks and eyes look very scary.

Remember: all pets require time and education! If you don’t have enough of both maybe these creatures are not the right fit for you

Pesquet’s Parrot also called Dracula Parrot is a real thing


some common questionas are summarised below.

Can a Dracula parrot be a pet?

Yes Dracula Parrot can be a good pet. It needs to be taken care of as any other parrot. They are very active and intelligent birds.

What type of vet do Dracula Parrots go to?

It is not a specific kind of vet for Dracula Parrot. Any vet that treats birds will treat it.

What does a Dracula Parrot eat ?

The diet of Dracula Parrot is similar to other parrots, they mainly eat fruits and vegetables.

What is a Dracula Parrot’s life expectancy?

Dracula Parrot can live for 10 to 20 years. Some have even been recorded to live for 58 years.

What size cage does a Dracula Parrot need?

The cages for Dracula Parrot should be at least 32 inches long and 21-28 inches wide. The bar spacing should be no more than 3/8 inch apart.

What is a Dracula Parrot’s daily diet?

Dracula Parrots require a lot of toys to play with but never give your parrot wood or loose strings to play with because they will definitely try to eat them and the consequences could be fatal. Dracula Parrots enjoy being outside so you have to give them time out of their cages at least 3 hours a day if it is not too cold where you live.

If you don’t have enough time to care for him properly or if he gets stressed, don’t get one! Pesquet’s Parrots or Dracula Parrots come from a very humid environment, therefore you have to mist Dracula Parrots once a day with warm water and change the papers of their cage every day because they destroy everything around.

Dracula Parrots love eating fresh fruits and vegetables but also dry seeds. You can give him pellets as well but don’t forget to supplement his diet with eggs, millets and cooked beans.

Dracula Parrots diet is similar to other parrots, they mainly eat fruits and vegetables.

Never feed your Dracula Parrots any kind of dairy products or chocolate because these foods are toxic for him. Dracula Parrots usually spend about 4 hours per day eating so you can give them your leftovers or prepare their food in advance.

Dracula Parrots is a very active bird, he loves to climb and play with everything he can find so if you let him out of his cage be aware that he might break something or destroy furniture around. You should also provide him with plenty of toys because this parrot will get bored quickly without anything else to do than chew your things.

Does Dracula parrot talk?

No, Dracula Parrots don’t talk.

What is a Dracula Parrot’s personality?

Dracula Parrots are very active and intelligent birds.

Can you hand tame a Dracula parrot?

Yes, they are usually very good natured.

What is the best way to train a Dracula parrot?

You have to be patient and consistent.

How do you potty train a Dracula Parrot?

They are not potty trained because they will use their cage to do their business. You just have to clean it every day.

End Of Article


Dracula Parrot, Indian ocean island parrots, new guinea, endangered species, female dracula parrots, a few species, mountains of new guinea, dracula parrot real, fruit eating parrots, rare species, black and grey chests, colorful birds, brilliant scarlet plumage, gorgeous birds, vampire finch, feeding habits, breeding habits, sticky fruits, hooked beak, striking feathers, beautiful parrot, drink blood, behind their ears, parrot moves, beautiful species, beautiful birds, only difference, habitat loss, rapidly flapping, pitch black beaks, bloody carcasses, bird, average life span, vulture like appearance, cloud forest, international union, average lifespan, one species, featherless faces. highly prized, bald headedness, lower mountains, good pets, species of figs, local poachers, red spot, short glides, specialized diet.

This is the video of the Dracula Parrot in its natural habitat.

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