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HomeAnimalsPeople Who Died Trying to Save a Dog’s Life

People Who Died Trying to Save a Dog’s Life

Studies have shown that some people would actually choose to save a dog’s life over than the life of a fellow human being. Brain scans have proven that people love their dogs like their own children. But life can be unfair, and sometimes, no good deed goes unpunished. Here are few stories of people who died while trying to save a dog

David Allen Kirwan

David Allen Kirwan


In summer 1981, David Allen Kirwan and his friend Ronald Ratliff in their twenties, visited the Yellowstone National Park Ronald’s large dog, a Great Dane named “Moosie,” was with them.

Moosie got excited, ran out of the truck, and jumped into the hot spring. He immediately started yelping in pain. Ronald hesitated to jump in after his dog, but David ran toward the water. A bystander tried to save his life by shouting, “Don’t go in there!” David replied, “Like hell I won’t!”

He tried to save Moosie, but the water began to boil David alive. When David was pulled from the hot spring, all the skin was falling off his body. His eyes were completely white, and he had gone blind. He had third-degree burns on 100 percent of his body. They took him to the hospital, but he died the next day.

Valerie Lynn Evans

Valerie Lynn Evans


In October 2017, a 75-year-old woman named Valerie Lynn Evans lived on her property in Santa Rosa. Her neighbors affectionately called her “the horse lady” because she owned horses, goats, and dogs. News of the oncoming wildfires caused most people in the neighborhood to evacuate immediately, including Valerie’s family members. Valerie while leaving made sure that her dogs were in the car before she left. Unfortunately, Valerie had far less time than she had anticipated. The flames engulfed her and the animals.

Clifford Lee Staley

Clifford Lee Staley


In October 2017, 49-year-old Clifford Lee Staley was walking his bulldog and Shiba Inu along a busy road in Hagerstown, Maryland. Someone who lived nearby thought it was very strange. They called 911 and claimed that Staley had knocked on their door and was prowling the property, so the police responded to the call. One of Clifford’s dogs, the Shiba Inu, stepped into the street. A minivan hit the dog, and its body landed in the middle of the street.

A local police deputy told Clifford to stay out of the street but Clifford didn’t listen. He ran toward his injured dog. Clifford was hit by another vehicle, and both he and the dog were killed.

Donald Langford

Donald Langford Donald Langford family


Donald Langford was very close friends with his neighbors. So Donald felt a close bond with a neighbor’s dog, an Italian Mastiff named Bella. One day in March 2017,Bella was sleeping somewhere nearby. Sparks from electrical wire mixed with gasoline, and it started a fire in the barn. The men ran out and called 911. Then Donald remembered that Bella was still inside. He ran into the burning barn and found Bella. The only trouble was that the flames had grown so large that there was no way they could get out. The friends attempted to get Donald out, but they ended up going to the hospital for smoke inhalation. When the firefighters arrived and put out the flames, they found Donald holding Bella where had they died together.

Jacqueline Watts

Jacqueline Watts Jacqueline Watts family


Jacqueline Watts was a 33-year-old woman who ran a volunteer organization and fostered a lot of abandoned dogs and rabbits in southern Indiana. One of those dogs was named Ringo who was blind from cataracts and deaf. Not many people would be willing to foster such a dog but Jacqueline accepted the challenge. Unfortunately, Ringo went missing while in her care. She plastered posters all around town and frantically went on searches for the dog.

In March 2017, just a few days after Ringo’s disappearance, Jacqueline’s body was found lying on a sandbar in the middle of a river. Her car was parked nearby.  Her family and friends could only assume that she had spotted Ringo and was attempting to save him when she died.

Scott Wulff

Scott Wulff


Scott Wulff was 61 years old, and his life was falling apart. Just a year after his wife died, he became homeless. For several months, he would go through a routine of begging for money so that he and little Astrid could buy something to eat. Near the restaurant, there was a bridge overpass for a train. Many homeless men choose to sleep under bridges. On November 13, 2017, Scott’s dog, Astrid, heard the oncoming train. She was scared, so she ran up to the bridge and began barking at the loud noises and bright lights. Desperate to save his best friend, Scott climbed on the tracks, too, and tried to get her down. They were both struck by the train.

Evan Currie

Evan Currie


In June 2017, the Currie family was driving their boat around Lake Erie. They plugged their boat into an electrical socket on the dock at the marina so that the family could have power on board.

Their family dog jumped into the water to take a swim. This would have been perfectly normal except that everyone noticed that the dog, who was usually a good swimmer, was beginning to struggle and drown. Jeffrey Currie jumped into the water to save the dog, but he started to drown, too. Rather than question why this was happening, Jeffrey’s 19-year-old son, Evan, and his brother jumped into the water to save their dad and their dog.

Mrs. Currie was the only one who realized what was happening. They were all getting electrocuted. She quickly unplugged the boat from the power. Jeffrey and his one son made it out alive. But Evan was so determined to save the dog that they both drowned.

Nick Warren

Nick Warren


Wellington Parade in Kingsdown is a small shore town off the coast of Kent, England. A 57-year-old man named Nick Warren was walking his six-month-old black Labrador puppy during a storm in late 2015.Nick was trying to play fetch. However, Nick didn’t have a real ball on hand. So he pretended to throw something, just so the puppy would run around and get some exercise. Since the dog couldn’t see where the “ball” went, he decided it must have landed in the water and jumped off a 1.8-meter (6 ft) ledge into the sea. Nick asked Norman if they could tie their three dog leashes together into a rope so that he could lower himself down to the dog. Unfortunately, the leashes couldn’t handle his weight and snapped. Norman called for help, and a crew on a lifeboat had to go out to rescue Nick from the freezing water. He was taken to a nearby hospital. Unfortunately, neither Nick nor his dog survived.

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