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HomeAnimalsIncredible Dogs Who Have Saved Babies

Incredible Dogs Who Have Saved Babies

Dogs are adored the world over for being friends, allies, and trusty dispensers of unconditional love. But sometimes they do even more. Sometimes dogs save children. Sometimes they save babies. There is absolutely no higher qualification for being man’s best friend than that, is there?The tales of dogs rescuing children are some of the most inspirational stories ever. Just who are these dogs who’ve have come to the rescue of babies in danger? These incredible dogs will shock you with their selflessness.


Incredible Dogs Who Have Saved Babies


In May of 2014, China, a German Shepherd mix, proved just how strong maternal instincts can be when she saved a newborn baby in Argentina who’d been abandoned in a field by her teenage mother. Upon hearing the baby’s cries, China picked up the child and carried her to the shelter where she was nursing her own puppies. When authorities arrived on the scene, the baby was found nestled down, keeping warm with the pups. Doctors reported that the child would have died from exposure if heroic China had not carried the child to the safety of her den.


Incredible Dogs Who Have Saved Babies


In July of 2010, Thor, a pit bull, not only woke his family up to warn them of a fire by jumping and barking at them, but he also grabbed 3-month-old baby Shelby’s bassinet and dragged it to the front door. “We kept pushing him away like, “Yeah, we’ll take you outside in a little bit. It’s 3 o’clock in the morning. We’re asleep.” We kept pushing him away and then I pushed him one time to turn around and he hit me in the face with both paws and he nipped at me and I sat up, you know, my dogs never done that.” said owner Kemper Hunter. “I’m overwhelmed. I mean I thank God for my dog. He saved my child. He saved my girlfriend and he saved me.”




Mkombozi means “savior,” and that is exactly what the stray, mixed breed dog was to a newborn girl in Kenya in 2005. While foraging for food, the nursing dog retrieved an abandoned baby girl in a forest and carried the infant across a busy road, through a barbed wire fence, and into a low-income neighborhood bordering the Ngong Forests in Nairobi, where she had been sheltering her own litter of puppies. The Kenya SPCA (KSPCA) decided to adopt Mkombozi soon after, putting her days of scavenging for food to an end. Baby “Angel,” as the infant was named, also found a new home.




In June of 2013, Pui, a male Thai Bangkaew, found a white plastic bag at a roadside dump in the Tha Rua district of Thailand and took it home to his owner. His owner’s niece heard Pui barking outside the house and went onto the patio to examine the bag the dog had brought home. Inside was a newborn baby girl. The baby was rushed to the hospital, where doctors determined she had been born prematurely – at around seven months – and weighed just four pounds eight ounces. Pui received a leather collar and a medal from the Tha Rua district Red Cross Chapter for saving the girl’s life. Pui’s family adopted the baby girl.

Ruby Rae


Leslie Green from Port Huron, Michigan, was out walking her Labrador, Ruby Rae, on May 25, 2014, at 4:30 AM when the dog refused to let her go beyond one particular house. Instead, Ruby Rae pulled her up on to the home’s porch, to a lawn chair where a newborn baby boy had been abandoned, wrapped in towels. He still had the umbilical cord attached. Authorities were called, and the baby was rushed to Port Huron Hospital. Thanks to the dog’s heroism and keen nose, the baby boy was found in time and saved.




During the summer of 2008, a heroic Boston Terrier named Tyson was credited for helping rescue a baby from drowning in a Florida family’s pool. Owners Whitney and Brook Michael Lovatt were inside their Stuart, Florida, home with Whitney’s sister, Amy Kelaidis, when they heard Tyson barking outside near the pool. Following Tyson’s persistent ruckus, Brook found Kelaidis’s 10-month-old son, Lios, floating face down in the pool with blue lips and closed eyes. Lios was rushed to the hospital and made a full recovery, but the situation could have had tragic consequences if it weren’t for the warnings from the plucky little terrier who saved the day.




In September of 2013, a British guide dog named Jet became a hero for saving the life of her handler’s year-old son. Jet’s owner, Jessica Cowley, of Leigh, England, is legally blind. The 28-year-old was walking across a parking garage entrance with her son Jacob in a stroller, when a car came racing towards them. The black Labrador sprung into action, escaping her owner’s grip to push Jacob’s stroller out of harm’s way. Although the car did hit Jessica Cowley, Jacob only suffered a minor injury on his lip after Jet’s push toppled his stroller on its side.




Louie, a Goldendoodle from Long Island, New York, is such a baby-saving pro that he did so when the baby was still in the womb! Owner Janelle Giannetta, who was 26 weeks pregnant with her first child, reported that Louie had been acting incorrigible all dayThe one-year-old Goldendoodle pup tagged along. Not long afterward, Louie began barking like crazy, alerting Richard Giannetta to check on his wife. What he saw was Louie on the bed barking frantically at his wife. When Richard turned her over her she was having a seizure and foaming from her mouth. She was rushed to hospital, where she was diagnosed with eclampsia. The life-threatening condition meant she was given an emergency C-section and gave birth to a one pound, seven ounce girl, Charlotte Marie.

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