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HomeAnimalsExotic animals that can be kept as pets in USA

Exotic animals that can be kept as pets in USA

Exotic animals are unique looking wild animals which are generally not native to a certain person’s locale. There are various exotic animals that can be kept as pets in USA. However each individual state has their own laws and regulations against keeping these animals as pets. Following are few of the exotic animals that can be kept as pets in USA.


World’s’ largest rodent, Capybara can grow up to weigh around 100 pounds but exotic animal lovers still want to keep it as a pet. Capybaras are social animals and always feel comfortable in groups so if you are looking to buy one, at least buy two of them. It is legal by law to have Capybara as a pet in states of Texas and Pennsylvania. They are legal but still you need check up a local registration before brining it home as a pet.



Bob Cats although do not classify as Class I Wildlife but they are still somewhat ferocious looking. However some of the US states allow keeping them as a pet without any need of a permit while others only require keeping them inside fences. Bob cats rarely attack humans but they are known to prey on birds and other smaller animals.


Bearded Dragon:-

Bearded Dragon is one of the common exotic pets of many teenagers in USA. Bearded Dragons originate from Australia and thy make a great pet for kids. They have a calm nature and can be easily trained. Bearded Dragons are permissible by all states of USA to be kept as pets and they can be bought in pet stores.

Bearded Dragon


Serval the beautiful exotic cat hails from Africa. Although Serval looks like a cat but making it a domestic set requires a unique mindset. They are not aggressive by nature but still they are labeled as wild creature. Despite their wild nature and survival instincts, if properly trained Serval can become a truly great companion.

Few of the US states that allow keeping Serval as a domestic pet include the following.

  • Nevada
  • North and South Carolina
  • Alabama
  • Wisconsin
  • Idaho
  • West Virginia
  • Serval

Hyacinth Macaw:-

Hyacinth Macaw or most commonly known as Blue Macaw is able to grow up to 40 inches in body size while its wing span can reach 60 inches. Although you can obtain these majestic birds as pets they are still an endangered species around the globe. Most of the states allow keeping them as pets unless they are stolen or smuggled. Proper documentation is carried out for their ownership.

Hyacinth Macaw

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