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Cat Is Frustrated Because She Is Unable To Knock Down The Strange ‘Tree’

Meet Pepper who has always was known by her mother to be a very playful kitty and she has a habit of turning anything into her personal toy or a game. This is the reason that her mother Mikaela O’Neill found it difficult over the years to complete the holiday decorations.

Mikaela O’Neill says, “Pepper loves jumping high and she would jump onto anything that she thinks she can get on to. This means for the family to not have any ornaments on the high shelves and definitely not on the Christmas Trees.”

Cat Is Frustrated Because She Is Unable To Knock Down The Strange 'Tree'

Mikaela O’Neill

But O’Neill still wanted to have a way where she was able to decorate the house in the festive manner ad this is when she came upon a tapestry with Christmas tree which she thought to be a perfect solution for Pepper’s urge to ruin everything. At first, the tapestry on the wall was admired for a bit by Pepper from afar but then she realized that this was also something that she can play with.

Cat Is Frustrated Because She Is Unable To Knock Down The Strange 'Tree'

Mikaela O’Neill

O’Neill said, “2 Christmases has passed since I got this tapestry and Pepper knows that this is a great game.”

Pepper now spends the holiday season entirely while examining this unique looking Christmas tree.

Cat Is Frustrated Because She Is Unable To Knock Down The Strange 'Tree'

Mikaela O’Neill

And also, of course, playing with it.

Cat Is Frustrated Because She Is Unable To Knock Down The Strange 'Tree'

Mikaela O’Neill

She also tries to knock this Christmas tree down but to no avail.

Cat Is Frustrated Because She Is Unable To Knock Down The Strange 'Tree'

Mikaela O’Neill

She is always unsuccessful in her attempts to knock down this tapestry of the Christmas tree but even sometimes she succeeds doing it with a little help from her brother.

O’Neill said, “I also won another pet cat named Soda Pop who also loves playing with Pepper on this tapestry. He mostly likes to play from behind the canvas. Last year I fixed this tapestry onto the wall in a different manner and they were still able to knock it down several times. For this year, they are still not as successful as I have come up with a new way of hanging it.”

Still, no tree seems to be safe from the naughty antics of Pepper, not even the ones that are just a picture hanging on the wall.

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