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HomeAnimalsAnimals that are being driven to extinction by humans on purpose

Animals that are being driven to extinction by humans on purpose

Some of the animals or organisms are particularly so harmful to human welfare that their extinction is actually beneficial to whole world. They are being made extinct by a process called “Planned Extinction” some of these animals that scientist are deliberately driving to extinction are as follows.


Mosquitoes are the primary cause for the Malaria which has ravaged the earth since ancient times.  Scientist have been considering the idea that to eradicate a dangerous disease its source must be cut off completely and in this case to eradicate malaria, eliminate the mosquitoes.

Scientists over at the Oxford University are developing a strain called A. Gambiae that will cause the females mosquitoes to have gene that will eventually turn them infertile over the course of several generations.

The idea for this strain’s development is still under work.


Guinea Worm:-

This particular parasitic worm’s larvae enter the bodies of their host humans via drinking water from rivers, lakes and ponds and upon entering in digestive system can cause horrifying disease.

Inside digestive system, male and female larva passes through thin intestinal lines and mate. Males die but female move up to the position under the skin mostly in the region of lower legs. There they can grow up to 30 inches in length.

After one year, female comes out of the skin inch by inch causing immense pain which leads to people often taking bath in open water and an opportunity for female to release millions of eggs again.

Since 1980’s WHO (World Health Organization) due to the atrocities of this organism, started their efforts to eradicate Guinea Worm from face of the earth. Their efforts have been somewhat fulfilled as there had been only 27 reported cases in the previous year of 2017.

Guinea Worm

New World Screwworm:-

New World Screwworms are the larval form of a certain fly species. The species lays its eggs into the open wounds of the warm blooded hosts including humans as well. After eggs hatch the larvae burrow deep inside the flesh of host causing open sore lesions.

In 1972, Mexico and USA with combined effort used technique to castrate and make male flies of the species sterile by dosing them off in radiation inside a lab. They were then released back into wild where they mated but were unable to reproduce. This caused their sudden decline in population.

Although significant decrease in their population has occur but still they are not completely extinct as a case of New World Screwworms was reported in 2016 attack on deer population at Florida Keys.

New World Screwworm

Pubic Lice:-

Pubic lice are related to head lice and mainly depend upon human hosts. As the name suggest they are usually found in the armpits and pubic areas. They usually transmit to one another due to sexual intercourse that leads to their infestations.

In the past few years, there has been a massive decrease in their population and infestation cases. Scientists theorized that as a result of more people opting to shaving and waxing off their pubic hairs, the chances of their transmission and henceforth their infestations has decreased exponentially.

Pubic Lice

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