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A Rescued King Penguin’s Family Taught It How To Buy Fish From Fish Market On Its Own

People across the globe find the penguins to be the most adorable animal and one Japanese family got the chance to keep one as their house pet. This was such a rare case because that penguin was adopted by the family as a pet back in the 90s and the reporters were trying their best to get an interview with the penguin family. One media channel “Real TV” imaged to make a TV documentary on the pet King Penguin and his family. The name of that penguin was Lala and he lived with his family in a small village in Japan.

This is Lala a cute looking King penguin that lived with a Japanese family as their pet for many years.

A Rescued King Penguin's Family Taught It How To Buy Fish From Fish Market On Its Own


This documentary about Lala was made back in 1996 when he was only 10 years old. Back in those days, this King Penguin spent his days living with the family in their air-conditioned room and he also roamed around the town’s streets.

A Rescued King Penguin's Family Taught It How To Buy Fish From Fish Market On Its Own


After he was brought to market one day by his family, Lala wanted to keep going back. So then family came up with the idea to put on a little backpack on his back and then taught the King Penguin how to go and buy the fish he loves so much from the fish market on its own.

A Rescued King Penguin's Family Taught It How To Buy Fish From Fish Market On Its Own


A Rescued King Penguin's Family Taught It How To Buy Fish From Fish Market On Its Own


For villagers that was quite a sight as they saw a King Penguin wearing a small backpack and then going to the market to buy fish.

A Rescued King Penguin's Family Taught It How To Buy Fish From Fish Market On Its Own


All of you might be wondering by now as to how the family came upon a pet like King Penguin.

A Rescued King Penguin's Family Taught It How To Buy Fish From Fish Market On Its Own


A Rescued King Penguin's Family Taught It How To Buy Fish From Fish Market On Its Own


Well as it happens to be the poor Lala was caught in a fishing net and was badly injured.  The family then took the King Penguin back home and helped him back to full recovery.

A Rescued King Penguin's Family Taught It How To Buy Fish From Fish Market On Its Own


However, by that time of recovery, Lala had grown attached to the family too much and did not want to leave them. So the family decided to keep Lala as their pet and made sure to provide him with the best possible living environment. Sadly Lala passed away after a few years but the story about a funny-looking King Penguin that went to by fish from the market on its own still lives on to this day.

Watch the video of the documentary made on the King Penguin named Lala.

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