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HomeAnimalsWorld's most beautiful Butterflies

World’s most beautiful Butterflies

Whoever has read the “the Very Hungry Caterpillar in their childhood; they are bound to find themselves in love with butterflies. This is nothing to be surprised actually because the butterflies rank as one of the most beautiful creatures on the list of world’s beautiful animals. These amazing colorful creatures are often Sexually Dimorphic. This means that the both males and female of the same species have different physical characteristics like those of colors and pattern designs. These characteristic help them to attract their opposite sex. These inter and intra species mating of different butterflies has resulted in humans to enjoy amazing visuals of multitudes of different butterfly species.

Sadly due to many global issues, the multitudes of butterfly species are falling moiré and more under the threat of extinction. One of the issues is humans capturing them just for the sake of their selfish admiration. This list of World’s Most Beautiful Butterflies contains pictures of several most eye catching butterflies. These butterflies all have captivating wing design and patterns over their bodies.

Blue Morpho’s name is originated from Greek word meaning “Epithet for Aphrodite” which is translated into “The Shapely One”.

World's most beautiful Butterflies


Over the course of only one summer, Monarch Butterflies produce four generations

World's most beautiful Butterflies


Glass Wing Butterfly is able to lift 40 times its own body weight

World's most beautiful Butterflies


Spicebrush Swallowtails is the largest species of butterflies with over four inches of wing span

World's most beautiful Butterflies


Kaiser-i-Hind has the same name as the Indian Public Service Medal under the British Rule

World's most beautiful Butterflies


Sri Lankan Ceylon Rose Faces extinction as a result of Habitat loss

World's most beautiful Butterflies


Sapho Longwing; this amazing resilient butterfly can be found living in Mexico to Ecuador

World's most beautiful Butterflies


Malabar Banded Peacock is only found living in the Western Ghats of India

World's most beautiful Butterflies


Chimaera Birdwing is the native of the New Guinea mountains

World's most beautiful Butterflies


Jamaican Giant Swallowtail is the official world’s largest butterfly with wing span of 6.4 inches

World's most beautiful Butterflies


Male Peacock Swallowtails have black hairs on their fore wings

World's most beautiful Butterflies


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