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HomeAll PostsThis Pigeon Who Couldn't Fly Met a With Puppy Who Couldn't Walk,...

This Pigeon Who Couldn’t Fly Met a With Puppy Who Couldn’t Walk, Now They Are BFF

It does not require anyone to look the same to become best friends with each other. In fact, if you are quite opposite, you can still make a great team and the friend we are going to tell you about is quite the same.

Today we wish to tell you a loving and cute story about a pigeon named Herman and a puppy named Lundy; both of whom have found the friend in each other and their friendship is without any boundaries.

This is the Pigeon named Herman who cannot fly at all.

This Pigeon Who Couldn't Fly Met a With Puppy Who Couldn't Walk, Now They Are BFF



In 2018, The Mia Foundation, which is a rescue organization for animals, received a pigeon that was born with defects. The Mia Foundation is located in Rochester, New York. That pigeon was found by someone in a parking lot alone where he was sitting on a side of pavement for the last 3 days without moving.

The rescuers found out that the bird could not fly and they decided that it was best to euthanize him. However, the founder of the rescue organization Sue Rogers thought it would be best if she could take care of the pigeon herself.

This Pigeon Who Couldn't Fly Met a With Puppy Who Couldn't Walk, Now They Are BFF


She fed Herman for a little while with a tube and she also took him outside to help recover his health. He regained his health but could not fly and that was when he became the permanent resident of The Mia Foundation.

This Pigeon Who Couldn't Fly Met a With Puppy Who Couldn't Walk, Now They Are BFF


Then in January of 2020, the foundation received a 4 years old Chihuahua pup named Lundy and the first to greet the puppy was Herman.

This is Lundy, the dog who cannot walk.


This Pigeon Who Couldn't Fly Met a With Puppy Who Couldn't Walk, Now They Are BFF


A breeder from North America brought Lundy after he realized that the dog was having problems walking around. Soon after Lundy lost the use of her hind legs completely and the breeder asked foundation if he could bring him there and Rogers agreed.

This Pigeon Who Couldn't Fly Met a With Puppy Who Couldn't Walk, Now They Are BFF


When Lundy arrived at the rescue organization, he weighed only about 6 ounces and was so tiny that he could fit in a pocket easily. Vets think that he might suffer from a condition called Hydrocephalus which affects the little dog breeds mostly and leads to brain damage.

But for Herman and Lundy, it was love at first sight.

This Pigeon Who Couldn't Fly Met a With Puppy Who Couldn't Walk, Now They Are BFF


After Lundy and Herman went on a walk with Rogers, she started to notice that both of them started caring for each other. Then seeing them like that, she decided to put both of them in the same bed and both animals met with each other.

This Pigeon Who Couldn't Fly Met a With Puppy Who Couldn't Walk, Now They Are BFF


Rogers was unsure about them at first so she kept an eye on them but things turned out to be without any major concern. Both of them started cuddling with each other and Rogers was quick to pull out her camera and took photos of them. She then posted them on her Facebook account.

This Pigeon Who Couldn't Fly Met a With Puppy Who Couldn't Walk, Now They Are BFF


Now both of them are inseparable best friends and Rogers often catches them cuddling with each other.

This Pigeon Who Couldn't Fly Met a With Puppy Who Couldn't Walk, Now They Are BFF


Rogers thinks that Lundy is not able to walk because of damage to the spinal cord but is unsure about it. She plans to help with the treatment soon and in the meantime, she is looking to make the puppy a wheelchair and then look for a family that could adopt the dog.

This Pigeon Who Couldn't Fly Met a With Puppy Who Couldn't Walk, Now They Are BFF


As for Herman, he is most likely to remain in the care of Rogers at the foundation for the remainder of his life unless somebody is willing to adopt him.

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