Home Animals Medium Sized Dog Breeds

Medium Sized Dog Breeds


For those people who are lacking in space to keep a pet dog, you might need to consider getting a medium sized dog breed for your family. For our readers today we brought to you some of the popular medium sized dog breeds that can accommodate in your small house.


Brittany is a medium sized breed of dog which is renowned for being a breed that has various colored patterned furs. They generally come in orange and white colored furs. These dogs are energetic and gentle in nature so they can be a wonderful addition to your family. They weigh about 30 to 40 pounds on average and she very little hairs compared to other dog breeds. They can be easily trained and they do need a lot of exercise due to their energetic nature. The dogs have been popular since 17th century as they can be seen in various paintings and tapestries. Their average lifespan is in between 12 to 14 years.


Bull Dog:-

Bull dogs are another medium size breed of dogs that possess a huge heavy body and short face atop low swung head. They are mellow animal and friendly in nature. Their fur coat is smooth and hence only needs once a week grooming. They are generally sluggish and lack the energy that most dogs possess but daily moderate exercise is recommended. Their snouts are short which is a problem in hot humid weather. They were named Bull Dogs after they attacked the Bull in Bull baiting contest which is now banned in England since 1835. Their once vicious nature has been decreased by selective breeding. Their average life span lies in between 10 to 12 years.

Bull Dog

Cocker Spaniel:-

Cocker Spaniel is not only a medium sized breed but is also very pretty in appearance with its silky hairs flowing down their ears and a compact sized body. They are gentle and playful by nature. Their fur coat needs daily grooming and brushing but you will still find shedded fur on furniture. They have medium energy in them but moderate daily exercise is recommended which mainly involves brisk walks two times a day. They were named after a bird they hunted called Woodcock. Their average lifespan is in between 13 to 15 years.

Cocker Spaniel


Poodle breed of dog is not only pretty looking but also very energetic and smart by nature. They can be trained easily but patience is advised. They are available in various sizes ranging from toy, miniature to standard which includes medium and large sized dogs. Hairs of their fur coat are curly but are of low shedding nature making them ideal pets for hypoallergenic people. Their curly haired fur coat needs profession grooming and bathing at least once a week. Their average life span is in between 10 to 18 years.


Shetland Sheepdog:-

This dog breed has a sturdy body built on a medium size body. Shetland Sheepdogs are also called Shelties and by nature they are emotional, filled with energy and playful. Their fur coat not only needs daily brushing but also weekly professional grooming with occasional baths. As per their name they are prone to chase after moving things so they must be kept in enclosed yard. This breed originally hails from Scotland and once was called Shetland Collies. Their average lifespan is between 12 to 14 years.

Shetland Sheepdog

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