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Adorable Service Dog Picking Out His Present On His Birthday Is The Cutest Thing You Will See Today


Meet Toli, a sweet and adorable service dog who has one purpose in life, to make the life of his best friend Michael Cantu a whole lot easier.

Cantu told media, “Toli has been with me ever since the first time I got him. He helps me around the house by opening doors and drawers along with helping me to turn off and on the lights, and pick up anything that I drop.”

Toil always loves to lend his paw to his best fired. However, on one special day, it was all about him.

Adorable Service Dog Picking Out His Present On His Birthday Is The Cutest Thing You Will See Today

Earlier this week, Toli celebrated his 4th birthday and Cantu decided to mark this occasion in the best way for Toli.

Instead of risking picking Toli’s present, Cantu decided to let his dear pup make his own choice above all the others. Cantu took Toli right to the source, which is the plaything aisle of their local pet store. There he let the Toli, who was wagging his tail joyfully, chose from many different options.

Below is the video of the adorable moment, when Toli was walking down the aisle choosing himself a Birthday gift very carefully.

Cantu said, “Toli also has a tradition for his birthday. He loves to take long naps and cuddle with his toys.”

You guys must be wondering, what did Toli buy for this birthday, Right?

Well, he chose himself a plushy Rabbit Toy.

Doesn’t he look adorable with it?

Adorable Service Dog Picking Out His Present On His Birthday Is The Cutest Thing You Will See Today

Cantu says, “The rabbit has been named as Chungus and Toli loves it dearly., he takes the toy everywhere with him.”

Adorable Service Dog Picking Out His Present On His Birthday Is The Cutest Thing You Will See Today

Now that’s one happy looking pup. This does not mean that Toli has abandoned his duties of being a service dog in light of having a new friend.  He still takes care of Cantu very well in his daily life.

Considering all the great work that Toli does for Cantu, this much of a toy is well deserved.

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