Home Animals A woman in Chile finds a genius way to restore burnt forests,...

A woman in Chile finds a genius way to restore burnt forests, and all she needs are 3 dogs


During the wildfire season of 2017, many devastating fires raged across the planet that burnt many of the large forests to the ground.

A woman in Chile finds a genius way to restore burnt forests, and all she needs are 3 dogs


In January of 2017, a devastating and horrifying fire in Chile claimed the lives of 11 people out of which 5 were firefighters when these fires wiped off the town called Santa Olga to the ground. The flames were ruthless as they took out all the birds, animals and tress in their path. It has been estimated that nearly 580,000 hectares of the area have been closed down which is almost the size of Delaware. This incident has been described by the President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet as the “greatest forest disaster” in the history of Chile.

A woman in Chile finds a genius way to restore burnt forests, and all she needs are 3 dogs


Now Chile had a lot to recover from as they lost many forests and its inhabitants and this was not something that was easy.

However, one lady has decided to make a difference with her efforts. The name of this lady is Francisca Torres who runs an environmental nongovernmental organization called ‘Pewos’. The NGO focuses on the well being of animals. She also happens to be the owner of the three beautiful looking border collies which is an intelligent and a quick breed of dogs that are bred to raise sheep.

A woman in Chile finds a genius way to restore burnt forests, and all she needs are 3 dogs


While it would take a single person many years to restore a forest, a company could achieve this easily. This is why Torres decided to make this difference by including her sister and her three dogs in her mission.

A woman in Chile finds a genius way to restore burnt forests, and all she needs are 3 dogs


The dogs which are A 6-year old Das and her daughters, Olivia and Summer, were set to work restoring the charred forest. Even after months of fire happened, no animals returned to the forest because all the venation had been gone. Without the food and shelter, there was no hope for the return of wildlife.

A woman in Chile finds a genius way to restore burnt forests, and all she needs are 3 dogs


To replant the forest Torres and her sister put on bags of seeds on the back of the dogs and allowed them to run free in the forest and spread the seeds. The dogs with these special bag packs and the tons of energy have covered quite a bit of radius and are bringing a tiny bit of hope to the people and animals for finding refuge in this area once again.

A woman in Chile finds a genius way to restore burnt forests, and all she needs are 3 dogs A woman in Chile finds a genius way to restore burnt forests, and all she needs are 3 dogs


Torres says that choosing her dog for this mission was her best idea as a single person cannot cover the distance which these dogs can. Each of these dogs is able to cover a distance of 30 km on their own. This is not only helping the dogs to get the exercise but also help the environment.

A woman in Chile finds a genius way to restore burnt forests, and all she needs are 3 dogs


The pups are not doing this for free of charge. Every time a satchel of seeds is finished, they get a treat and the bags are once again filled for a new round.

A woman in Chile finds a genius way to restore burnt forests, and all she needs are 3 dogs


This imitative from Torres has finally started to pay off because there are reports of grass and vines growing in the affected parts of the forest.

A woman in Chile finds a genius way to restore burnt forests, and all she needs are 3 dogs A woman in Chile finds a genius way to restore burnt forests, and all she needs are 3 dogs


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